Friday, December 7, 2007

Email: Merry Christmas

Happy Hanukkah, New Years, MLK day, valentines, I unfortunately will miss them all being up country, yes, that's right, I am headed out for my 3 month challenge at my new site up country. We all swore in today as volunteers and are about to start our two year service. Yep, 2 years starts now! Not two months ago, sorry.
I will not be near email or internet because there's isn't a lot of electricity in this country, let alone computers. Apparently, it's the 8th poorest country in the world. Seriously, someone could have told me that three months ago. but no fear, still email me if you can, I don't have much time when I get to a computer (even now I am skipping out on a party for us new inductees just so I can write this) and even though I can't write you all back, I still love seeing a bunch of new emails and reading what you guys have to say, it is encouraging and I thank you. You can write to me long hand as well, my address is on my blog, you've all been to my blog right?, it's pretty much the best thing on the internet.
but know that I am no longer a PCT, (trainee) I am now a PCV (volunteer)
also, I have a phone now, I don't know how int'l calling works, but I do know that it's free for me to get calls, but not to send calls, or call calls I guess. my number is (220) 746-1127, how that really works, again, I don't know, but give it a whirl if you can, I won't have the phone on me at all times like in the states, and I won't check VM because Gambians don't do that for some reason, but send a text or something saying when you want to call and I will keep my phone around, there'll be plenty of time to figure this all out, I'm sure.
I love you all but I have to go. Life is calling...or so Peace Corps says. My mom and sis are hard at work transcribing my journals and loading my pics and video, thank God for them.
bismillah in the gambia,