Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Email: Weblog

does everyone know about this...my family is kick ass and they have
put a bunch of my embarrassing journals and videos online for y'all.
But I guess the website changed, I'm sure you all have the link...but
in case...http://jon-dick.blogspot.com/

not much is happening here. I'm going to harvest some honey tonight
and shoot some footage of it for a beekeeping video for the locals.
It's not easy to teach people over here because not only are you
teaching them something they might not have any idea about, or only
misinformation about, but most of the time they dont even have those
skill sets of basic learning and problem solving. So I figure, if we
can make some videos and they can see exactly what to do, it can make
it a lot easier for the trainers than just charades or basic
illustrations. We'll see.

The rainy season is fast approaching. I don't know what it's going to
like, I hope to get some cool videos and blogs out of it. And maybe
some kick ass bike rides in the mud, I can't wait.

missing everyone and everything,